Company Profile

Du Métier Technical Investigations and Consultants (PTY) LTD was formed to assist members of the legal profession (or private clients involved in motor vehicle collisions) in the understanding of technical and engineering related matters.

Du Métier consists of contracted experts, with the necessary qualifications to assist our clients in determining the causes of specific motor vehicle collisions or any other mechanical related incident.

We have investigators based in most of the major cities.

Contracted Experts


Managing Director: K W Lötter – B.Eng. (Mechanical) (University of Pretoria)

Konrad Walter Lötter Mr. Lötter worked at the SAPS Engineering unit for 8 years. Designed SAPS patrol-vehicle canopy for his final year project. He was involved in the development of specialised vehicle for the SAPS. He was involved in the investigation and the analysis of approximately 3500 motor vehicle accidents.

He completed more than 1000 expert reports for court purposes. He is actively involved in road traffic safety (planning and strategy development) and is a qualified technical Road Safety Auditor.

He is currently a member of the Forensic Engineering Standards Generating Group at the Engineering Council of South Africa. (ECSA).


P N Blackburn – National Certificate (Police Administration) (Technikon RSA)

Paul Nicholas Blackburn


  • Accident investigation and reconstruction (CSIR)
  • Plan Drawing and Photography (SAPS)
  • Video Camera Operators Course (SAPS)
  • Hazardous materials (SCI Fire and Rescue)
  • Brake systems (WABCO)
  • Tachograph analysis (Control Instruments)
  • Road Safety Audit Workshop

Services Offered

Fleet Risk Management

Vehicle Fleet Audits

Expert Investigations
Motor Vehicle Collisions

  • General assessment of accident scene
  • General assessment of vehicle and damage
  • Investigation of accident scene according to relevant factors in Annexure A
  • Preparation of expert report according to Annexure B

The following investigations/determinations can be done:

  • Speed calculations from skid-marks, yaw marks, vehicle damage, momentum transfer
  • If lights were on or off during impact (Exhibits must be available)
  • Determination of mechanical failures and the causes thereof
  • Determination of tyre failures and the causes thereof
  • Determination of point/area of impact
  • Determination of possibilities and probabilities
  • Physical fit of evidence
  • Drawing of plan of collision scene when relevant
We therefore have four options available for our clients

  • Preliminary report on scene of collision
  • Investigation and investigation report
  • Investigation + Expert analysis + Expert report
  • Expert analysis and Expert report based on information gained from previous investigation (i.e. police docket)

(All reports (investigation and expert) will be checked by qualified engineers.)

Inspection of vehicles for vehicle financing

The inspection of vehicles before vehicle financing is approved to ensure that stolen or damaged vehicles are not financed.

The inspection includes the general condition of the vehicle similar to the inspection carried out by the AA, but we include the following factors.

Vehicle Financing
  • Determine whether a vehicle was re-sprayed
  • Determine whether a vehicle was involved in previous accidents
  • Determine whether a vehicle was built up from different sections/vehicles
  • Determination of the originality of engine numbers
  • Determination of the originality of chassis number
We can therefore say when if financing of vehicles can be approved based on the mechanical condition of the vehicle. We contact the SAPS/NATIS for the current registration particulars of vehicles and the verification thereof. Only after all the particulars were verified and the inspection indicates that the vehicle is in a good condition, a certificate will be issued in this regard.

Vehicle Theft Investigations

Vehicle Theft Investigations Our investigations include:

  • The originality of engine numbers (Type of damage, surfaces, etc.)
  • The originality of chassis numbers (Welding of chassis plates, surfaces etc.)
  • Any accident damage that was repaired on a vehicle
  • If a vehicle was built up from different sections/vehicles
  • Other mechanical aspects related to vehicle theft
  • Preparation of expert report for court purposes


Du Métier makes use of selected contractors appointed on an ad hoc basis. The contractors are selected from proven track records. The investigators are based throughout South Africa and a local investigator is used where possible to reduce costs. At this stage there are a pool of approximately 25 investigators and experts available for the investigation of accidents.

All our investigators have extensive experience of accident investigations and were previously employed by the South African Police services as specialist accident investigators.

All our experts have experience in the field of forensic engineering. They were previously employed by the SAPS or they did their national service in the SAP. Most of our experts are Pretoria based. We are in the process of recruiting and training investigators in all provinces. At this stage the investigators/expert are working on a contract basis and are paid for work done.