
Introducing Du Métier

Du Métier was formed to assist members of the legal profession, and large transport companies in the investigation, and the understanding of technical matters. These services includes vehicle accident reconstruction, the investigation of industrial accidents and the investigation of technical matters related to vehicle theft.

Due to the advancement in the field of technology it is becoming more important for the legal professional to make use of forensic experts. In the field of forensic engineering it is important that certain standards must apply, and it is therefore necessary to be sure of the credentials of the expert used. At Du Métier we are proud to say that all our experts have the necessary tertiary qualifications and applicable experience in the field of forensic science.

Services Offered

We have acquired the services of the leading experts in forensic investigation, which include mechanical engineers, mechanical technicians, metallurgical engineers and metallurgical technologists. All of our experts have extensive experience in the forensic field and have access to an extensive database of previous cases.